
An Article written by Jayaditya Vyas- VIII C

Dealing with the Environment. The heating issue of today is climate change. Due to environmental problems, the young generation is constantly trying to improve the health of our planet by spreading awareness. One such example is Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish activist who is an environmental activist. Recently, she made a speech regarding this in the UN and criticized the politicians for their negligence and how the older generations have devastated her future. People around the world have supported her, for speaking about this issue. She said in her speech that the young people are understanding the betrayal by the older generations. But, there have been some people who have condemned her speech. The people criticizing her are politicians and ironical, the young generation.   The reason why the people are doing so because Greta hasn’t done much for the environment apart from just speaking. The awards she has got is due to the confidence she had in addressing an imp...

GLP- Australian Exchange Programme

It is a pleasure to share that today our children of Grade 8 successfully completed the first interaction of Global Learning Project - 2019 with Teachers and Students of Burnside State High School- Australia. The students introduced themselves and shared a brief presentation depicting - India - Land of diversity.It was indeed an enriching experience for them.

Children of 8C enjoying their SUPW activity....


A video on exam stress


Welcome back to School

Welcome back to School!!! Dear children I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer. I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward having an amazing year  with you all.  With love Nivedita Sarkar